A 12 hour Audio Course for people looking to

Tune in to their Sexual-selves and get Turned on!











Go Fuck Yourself Here!

6 of the most tantilizing 2-hour-long sessions for your tantric pleasure!

In this online course you will learn


- Breathwork to delay or speed up orgasm

- Relaxation moves for when you’re too anxious for connection

- Hip openers to allow blood to enter the pelvis

- Ejaculation mastery

- The importance of pleasure as a revolutionary self-care act

- Healing sound vibrations

- Feminine and Masculine polarity

- The chakras

- Female genital anatomy

- Feast for the senses

- Trance states

- Meditation

- What is Tantra as it's taught in Indian cultures

- Edging

- Clitoral vs. G spot orgasm

- How to respond when triggered

- Redefining ‘sex’

- Anal breathing

Key benefits from this course


  • Connect to your deepest sexual self from the privacy of home. 
  • Learn mindful masturbation and love-making moves. 
  • Heal sexual and body trauma and reclaim capacity for pleasure. 
  • Learn sexual awareness at your own pace.
  • Can be done alone for self-love, or alongside a partner for date-night!

- Claire

"Every time I finish a class I see the world differently and have much more perspective than usual. Dee is an amazing, empathic and generous teacher, and I have recommended her to others."



- Melanie

"Not only does Dee love what she is doing and emanate this bliss in her classes, she is naturally attuned to the needs of her students, leading them into a new level of breath and alignment - all done effortlessly, seamlessly, while maintaining the joy inherent in following one's bliss. She is a pleasure to enter Hatha space with...I've loved every minute."

- Mike

"Dee provides an inviting and nurturing space for meditation and asana with sacraments that make this practice not merely an exercise routine but genuine, an introduction to our mutual divinity."



Get in Here! 

Join thousands of others finding sensual exploration

through sexual elevation! 

Go Fuck Yourself!

Dee Dussault

Dee is not only the founder of the first cannabis-enhanced-yoga brand and book, 'Ganja Yoga, she’s also a mindful sexuality coach based on the Tantric tradition of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Dee's passion is educating people on the life-boosting power of cannabis, yoga, and sex. Over the past eleven years, she has helped hundreds of people across the world tap into their embodied selves, and her ground-breaking marriage of cannabis and yoga has been covered in publications like The New York Times.  


Dee has produced numerous partner yoga retreats and has taught Yoga in a giant vulva at Burning Man, but her favorite project to date is her 12-hour audio course about sexual awareness, which she calls 'Go Fuck Yourself.’



Go Fuck Yourself

Join my 12 hour Sexual Awareness Course! 

Sign Me Up to Fuck Myself, Please!